
NDSU students will automatically receive their 1098-T 学费 Statement via 校园连接.

The Customer Account Services department cannot provide any tax advice or answer any questions related to tax advice. Please consult the IRS or an Accountant for advice on taxes.


1098-T statements will be generated no later than January 30th, for the previous calendar year. Students will receive an email notification when the 1098-T is available in 校园连接.


访问1098-T学费声明, a student must have access to a computer with an internet browser 和 Adobe software.

要查看1098-T,请单击 金融账户 平铺,然后选择 查看1098 - t 从左边菜单中. 单击相应的 纳税年度 打开表单. You may need to allow pop-ups, as the form will open in a new tab/window.


Students will automatically have their 1098-T delivered electronically through 校园连接.


  • Reduced printing saves paper, which is a Green Initiative. (Printing your 1098-T from 校园连接 is the student’s option 和 not required by the IRS.)
  • Incorrect addresses on 1098-Ts will result in lost mail.

To get a copy of your 1098-T printed you will need to revoke consent to have it delivered electronically. To revoke consent, contact Customer Account Services at 701-231-7545 or by email at ndsu.客户.account@877961.com. Please include your student ID in your email request.

请注意: you are still able to view 和 print your 1098-T online even if you have revoked consent.


Once the 1098-T form is available on the student's 校园连接 account, you can print as many duplicate copies as you need.

我以前是学生. 怎样索取1098-T表格?

Students no longer enrolled in classes at NDSU may request a copy of their 1098-T tuition tax statement by completing the form below.  请预留两个工作日处理.

NDSU 1098-T前学生申请表

Current students may access their 1098-T via 校园连接 (see above).


Will My Social Security Number Be Listed On The Form?

Social Security Numbers (SSN) are masked on the 1098-T 和 only the last four digits will print. 完整的社会安全号码将报告给美国国税局.


NDSU可能不提供税务建议. 有关如何使用1098-T表格的问题, 或者需要额外的解释, 请咨询您的税务顾问或参阅 IRS第970号出版物IRS表格8863.

箱1. Shows the total payments received by an eligible educational institution from any source for qualified tuition 和 related expenses less any reimbursements or refunds that relate to those payments received.

*A list of what is included 和 not included in qualified tuition 和 related expenses/fees can be found at the bottom of the page*

4盒. Shows any adjustment made by an eligible educational institution for a prior year for qualified tuition 和 related expenses that were reported on a prior year form 1098-T. This amount may reduce any allowable education credit that you claim for the prior year (may result in an increase in tax liability for the year of the refund). 参见索引中的“重新捕获” IRS第970号出版物 to report a reduction in your education credit or tuition an fees deduction.

框5. 显示所有奖学金的总数, 3rd Party 支付 or grants administered 和 processed by the eligible educational institution. The amount of scholarships or grants for the calendar year (including those not reported by the institution) may reduce the amount of the education credit you claim for the year.

箱6. Shows adjustments to scholarships or grants for a prior year. This amount may affect the amount of any allowable tuition 和 fees deduction or education credit that you claimed for the prior year. You may have to file an amended income tax return (1040 - x形式).

盒8. Shows whether you are considered to be carrying at least one-half the normal full-time workload for your course of study at the reporting institution.

盒9. Shows whether you are considered to be enrolled in a program leading to a graduate degree, 研究生证书, or other recognized graduate-level educational credential.

Included in 箱1 (Qualified 学费 和 Related Fees)

  • 学费 和 M和atory 学费 (学费, Tech Fees, NDSA Fee, Connect ND Fee)
  • 新生学费
  • 课程或班级费用
  • 国际介绍费


While payments for the charges below are not included on the 1098T, students may access their 账户汇总 if information regarding these charges is needed.

  • 房屋收费(e).g., dorm charges, rent, meal plans, board charges)
  • 书店的指控
  • 乐虎集团程序的费用
  • 学生健康服务费
  • 身份证收费
  • 停车许可证和罚单
  • 滞纳金
  • Study Abroad Program Costs (non-tuition related)
  • 国际健康保险
  • 国际支持服务费
  • CNED/专业发展收费